Pills And Medication Are NOT The Answer To Living A Longer, Healthier Life!

A Pill For Every Ill Is NOT The Answer To Living A Longer Healthier Life if you have been diagnosed with any chronic disease like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke,etc.!

Have you been going from doctor to doctor, getting more and more pills and yet not seeing much improvement?

The truth is that you don’t need to be taking more medications to feel better. Instead, you need a comprehensive personalized program that is designed to target the root cause of your disease.

Our doctors are great, but they are not trained on lifestyle and holistic medicine, they are trained to treat the symptoms only… But not so with our program, we do a deep dive to find out the root cause, what happened to cause this disease in the first place…

Then, we work with you to Reboost your health from inside out, so that you can ditch the pills and the side effects, achieve optimized health and a longer lifespan!

Ogonna Hennes

Founder/Registered Nurse

"Providing insightful Guidance for those on the journey to overcoming and preventing chronic ailments."

Schedule a No-Obligation Call Today


  • 6 weeks of customized 1:1 support with your health coach. This isn’t just some PDF that you download and figure out on your own. Your coach is right there with you, in the trenches, cheering you on, answering your questions.
  • Comprehensive review of your intake questionnaire, medical history, labs and images and continuous review of your labs and images while on the program
  • A personalized plan to upgrade all aspects of your lifestyle in manageable, measured steps.
  • Fridge, pantry, & personal care products overhaul: what to keep, what to toss, and what to buy.
  • Weekly 1:1 deep dive sessions over zoom, WhatApp or phone to help you map out your week, check-in on what’s working and what’s not, and create custom solutions to help you move forward.
  • Recorded videos to reenforce what you are learning that you can watch whenever you want on your own schedule.
  • Collaboration communication with your health care team to ensure continuity of care, recommendations and referrals to integrative practitioners specific to your needs
  • Empower you with Strategies, knowledge, skills and practical steps that can last a lifetime, so that you can build generational health.
  • Improve your health so that you can get off medications and pills, save money by not going from one doctor to the next.



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REBOOST YOUR HEALTH CALL: 45 minutes FREE online/video chat.

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